Summer Program


Summer Program 


The students have missed over a year of in-school instruction. 

We have to make some dramatic changes in our program for this summer.  We have designed an intense academic program around high school juniors and seniors. We are going to concentrate on three areas, mathematics, history, and language arts specifically reading research and writing. We will have two math classes and reading and writing using co-writer and snap-n-read. We will prepare the students for their HS senior year, and for freshman year in college. We will improve their reading, writing, and research skills so much, that they will be confident, scholarly and exceptional. We can make each of them, even the juniors, research and apply for two college scholarships a week. Mr. Louis has determined the two math skills courses that will help them most, and he will be the professor.  Ms. Naima will teach real history and add a research component. She has already planned a knowledge hunt to the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. We will still teach ASL {and Tai Chi}. We will still have a comprehensive public speaking component. We will meet with all parents/guardians and have each of them sign a contract. We will have a 5-hour day, with breakfast and lunch for 20 students. Ms. Chava, Mr. Louis, Ms. Naima and Dr. Allen will teach the classes. We will have a guest specialist come in and talk to the students every week from different professions and introduce them to the possibilities available in the world.  


We are asking the students to commit to working on an intense academic program this summer. The hours are going to be 8am to 1pm. It is going to be a completely different program.  We are not having the young children; we are having high school juniors, seniors, and maybe 4 incoming sophomores. Our academic program is in writing, math, reading, history, and a once-a-week work readiness class. Students will be required to follow the curriculum for each class and complete the assignments and help others in their group. If we cannot open the center, which I strongly believe we will not, the students will have to work every day virtually.

There is a subscription requirement for 5 programs the students will be trained to use in writing, reading and research assignments. These programs will give each student an understanding of how to easily apply APA or MLA guidelines when sitting in a paper, and when developing a reference page. Students will be guided in scholarly vocabulary use. Students will also be taught to elevate the scholarly level of their reading interpretation and analysis. Students will have the use of these skills throughout their academic careers in college and beyond. These skills will empower our students when our students are back in school and elevate their competitive standing.