Community Activites


Community Activity

Black History Month

Shame on the Amityville Public Library! To celebrate Black History month, they scheduled a steel band playing dance music one afternoon! Their response was that they did it last year and no one cared or complained. 631-264-0567 to speak to the director.  Contact Board of Trustees:     Our children and our community deserve so much better.

Amityville Public Library stepped up. Keep Your Change Inc. set up a display for the community in the library. They were open to having a dialogue and they made a big improvement on their Black History Month response. Relevant books are displayed, Black history is recognized in a respectful way appropriate for a library.  I still believe the library staff needs to be diversified and it needs to reflect the community they serve so we don’t have these problems ever again. Although one of the administrators resigned in protest, some of the remaining staff stepped up and joined us.

COVID Vaccine:

Keep Your Change Inc. Post locations to get your Covid vaccine every week!


Walgreens is going to be giving COVID Vaccines in Hempstead Garden City, Port Washington and East Meadow. You have to make an appointment if you are interested. Here is the site:


Suffolk County COVID-19 Vaccination Center

If you want to schedule a vaccination appointment at Jones Beach or SUNY Stony Brook You can call (833) NYS-4-VAX.

If you want to schedule a vaccination appointment through Northwell Health, call: 631-775-5529


Community Kwanzaa

Hope to see a virtual you at this live-streamed event.  We are going to educate and empower everyone to have their home Kwanzaa celebration this year.


KWANZAA TONIGHT AT 6:30 Zoom Meeting ID: 91400858682.   

No Password needed. 

Also live-streamed on Black Long Island

Student Opportunity

This just in: Any Black High School males wanting to become a Dentist or MD:

There is a program between TSU and Meharry Medical College where the student would go to TSU for three years and then on to Meharry and finish to become an MD or DDS in 7 years instead of the traditional 8 years. 

If you know any black males who are high school seniors that want to become a medical doctor, have a 28 on the ACT and a 3.5 GPA, I have a possible free ride for them at Tennessee State University.

The student’s info needs to be submitted ASAP. Inbox me.

Supporting Families in our community

In one of our families the mother, father, teenager, and infant tested positive for COVID-19. Anyone know of any food services that can help bring them food while they are quarantined? In the 11798 area.

Remember when one of our children’s home burned down in March 2020? They lost everything. You helped us get clothes, food, and desperately needed hearing aids.  Last night there was a big sound from a pole, and again the house, and the trailer they are living in were engulfed in flames! Please Pray for this family. I will be asking for clothes and items when I get details. Thanks