KYC GED Preparatory Program Application
Please complete the information below:
- GED APPLICANT NAME/Contact Information:
Last Name: First Name: Middle initial:
Contact number: home cell:
Email contact:
I currently reside at:
I have lived at this address since:
Is English your primary language? Yes No IF NO, what is your primary language? __________
Do you have access to internet at home? Yes No
Do you have access to a computer (laptop/desktop/iPad) at home? Yes No
Indicated Highest Level Completed: Elementary ☐ Middle School ☐ Partial H.S. ☐
List school(s) attended:
Do you have any special learning needs?
Indicate which subjects you have received Regents credit for (if applicable):
Mathematics ☐ Science ☐ ELA ☐ History/Social Studies ☐
When did you last attend school or attend a GED preparation program? Please describe your experience below:
- EMPLOYMENT HISTORY – list employment history below (paid or volunteer)
Current employer
Employer’s address
Number of years employed
Previous employers – list previous employers below and number of years worked at site(s), OR attach a resume.
- GED Schedule
KYC’s GED preparatory program offers classes as follows:
Session |
Subject |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
M-1 |
Mathematics |
S-2 |
Science |
H-1 |
History |
R-2 |
Please indicate which sessions you are interested in by placing an “X” in the appropriate box.
- Miscellaneous
Please feel free to share information that you feel is relevant to your educational needs that we should know about.